Genre: Action, Shooter, RPG, 3D, 1st Person, 3rd Person
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Games Version:
Publication Type: repack
Language: Russian / English
V-Language: Bahasa Inggeris
Tablet: enclosing (Codex)
System requirements:
Operating System: Windows Vista / 7.8.10 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 / AMD Phenom II X4 945
Memory: 8GB
video card: GeForce GTX 550 Ti / Radeon HD 7870
Sound Card: DirectX compatible
free space on hard drive: 24 GB
Features repack:
Nha trim
All the way registry maintained
Repak updated to version
A DLC: Fallout 4-Automatron
After installing the game taken ~ GB
distribution of nested folder rollback versions for fans to use the arena.
Installation ~ 30-35 minutes (depending on your computer)
Repack available for recording on DVD.
To separate DVD you need to run a batch file (3xDVD9) of the folder with the program installed. When you run the batch file files in the folder that you want to burn to disc dispersed. Open the folder and copy them to include DVD9.
Issue = Nemos =
Year November 10, 2015
Genre: Action, Shooter, RPG, 3D, 1st Person, 3rd Person
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Publication Type: repack
V-shaped tongues: English,
Language: Russian
Tablet: enclosing (Codex)
System requirements:
V operating system: Windows 7.8.10 (64-bit)
v Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 / AMD Phenom II X4 945 | GHz
v Memory: 8 GB RAM
v Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX
Hard disk v: 27 GB
v Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti / AMD Radeon HD 7870 | 2 GB of RAM
Features repack ::
Do not cut | unrecorded
Game archives are not touched
DLC: Automatron
Version of the game –
Installation time ~ 14 min.
Repack by SEYTER
FAQ on the game:
1) How to disable vertical sync?
GO TO … / Documents / My Games / Fallout4 open, change iPresentInterval = 0 = 1 iPresentInterval
2) How to disable mouse acceleration?
GO / Documents / My GamesFallout4 open
The manager adds line bMouseAcceleration = 0
3) How to skip the intro?
GO TO … Fallout 4DataVideo and removal
4) How to change the angle of view FOV?
GO / Documents / My Games / Fallout4 outdoors
In the Display section, add the line
fDefaultWorldFOV = XX
fDefault1stPersonFOV = XX
5) Set the screen resolution is not as standard
In … / Documents / My Games / Fallout4 opening the exhibition to establish computer